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Tree Trimming Services

Are you frustrated with looking at overgrown trees and shrubs in your backyard? Maybe you’ve noticed the trees starting to grow over power lines or other parts of your yard. We aren’t like your other tree removal companies. We bring the good news — you might not have to remove the entire tree, rather, just portions of it!

Tree trimming is a minimally invasive service that many expert arborists offer to help people maintain their yards and the aesthetics of their home while maintaining safety for everyone involved. Continue reading to learn all about tree trimming that could benefit you.

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What’s Tree Trimming?

Tree trimming encompasses a few different jobs other than simply trimming the branches on your trees. Let’s take a look.

Lewis Burns tree removal service

Can You Do It Yourself?

There are certain tree projects that are safe to do by yourself, and there are other tree removal services that are better left to the help of professionals. Chances are, if you’re questioning whether or not it’s safe to do a certain tree project, it’s probably best to give us a call so we can help you out. We want to be your go-to professional arborist!

Call Now: 717-891-7926

Why You Need Regular Tree Trimming

Regular professional tree trimming service and care has more benefits than preserving the put-together look of your yard.

For starters, tree trimming services helps prepare you for the winter. By removing dead branches, overgrown branches, and trimming the tree to a natural state, you preserve safety by preventing any parts of the tree from being bogged down by snow and snapping off.

Additionally, regular tree pruning also helps guarantee that there aren’t any diseases eating away at your trees. We hate removing trees solely because they’re infected with disease!

Lastly, it may cost less in the long run to have preventive maintenance completed. This is because maintaining your trees regularly prevents any costly tree removal services or stump grinding procedures from happening. Who wants to spend money if they don’t have to, right?

A path in a green summer park area with neatly trimmed bushes

The Difference Between Tree Trimming and Tree Removal

While pruning a tree and removing a tree are similar when it comes to job type, they can both involve different tasks, time, and equipment depending on the specific project.

Garden Worker Trimming Decorative Trees

Different Scope of Project

Tree trimming is more or less meant as a way to maintain the physical structure and appearance of the tree (or groups of trees). It might be easiest to think of tree trimming as a way to make everything in your yard look beautiful and maintained. To prune trees, you maintain the health of a tree and keep it from posing a safety hazard to the tree and other outside elements (such as roadways and powerlines).

Trimming Decorative Garden Tree

Different Tools Used

Typically, there isn’t much heavy-duty equipment used in tree trimming (unless we trim branches super high up). Branch cutters, shears, and sometimes saws are used. Different tools are used in tree pruning than trimming. While trimming doesn’t require a lot of heavy-duty tools, pruning might, depending on the scope of the project. 

Let Us Help You

Burns Tree & Lawn is a professional tree service company that has certified arborists that provide natural tree pruning, thinning, elevation, and deadwood removal. Our practices ensure healthy growth for future tree generations. Our experts specialize in trimming trees away from buildings, light fixtures, and roadways. You need a tree removal company for a specific location? We have all it takes to provide the best services possible. Our goal is to minimize property damage and provide safer environments from falling limbs. 

Contact us today to set up tree trimming services near you at 717-891-7926! We hope to hear from you soon.

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The crew here at Burns Tree & Lawn has the perfect way to address all your tree concerns and more! We proudly serve York, Lancaster, PA, and surrounding areas. Let’s make that connection together!

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